
Santa Rosa Family Law Attorney

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santa rosa family law attorneys

Dedicated Family Law Attorneys Serving Santa Rosa, CA

Any issues dealing with familial relationships can be stressful and quickly become controversial. Finding a mutually acceptable resolution can be difficult or impossible in some situations. The proper legal counsel can make the difference when tackling stressful or time-consuming family matters. If you need help or legal advice with your family law issues, the seasoned Santa Rosa family law attorney at the Schoenberg Family Law Group, P.C. can help. Whether you plan to handle your matter inside or outside of the courtroom, you can rest assured knowing that our skilled attorneys are by your side.

At the Schoenberg Family Law Group, P.C., we are proud to:

  • Provide outstanding client services;
  • Promote open and honest communications with our clients; and
  • Ensure our clients are kept informed of all case correspondence and activity as it occurs.

Speak with one of our committed and effective attorneys in Santa Rosa today. We can answer your most pressing family law questions and relieve you of your legal burden.

Our Santa Rosa Family Law Attorneys Can Help

Family law is the area of civil law relating to marriage, divorce, legal separation, child custody and support, alimony (spousal support), relocation, adoption, and related issues. Nearly everyone is involved in a family law matter at some point in their lives.

As family law attorneys, the Schoenberg Family Law Group, P.C. focuses on helping people manage the financial and emotional legal issues associated with all varieties of family law cases. We do so in a manner that provides the best possible outcome available personally and legally.

Our family law attorneys can help you at many crucial points in your life. While most people think of family law attorneys in the event of a divorce, the Schoenberg Family Law Group, P.C. can be a faithful ally in the event you need or are experiencing any of the following:

  • A prenuptial or postnuptial agreement;
  • A legal separation;
  • A guardianship;
  • An adoption;
  • A child custody or support modification or enforcement;
  • A paternity or parentage action; and
  • Much, much more.

Family law attorneys work extensively outside of the courtroom. We negotiate settlements with parties prior to court actions. A competent family law attorney, like ours at Schoenberg Family Law Group, P.C., can save you time, money, and frustration.

Learn more about our client-based family law services by contacting us in Santa Rosa. We look forward to speaking with you and putting our more than thirty-five years of experience to work for you.

Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements in Santa Rosa

A prenuptial agreement is a contract signed before marriage establishing property rights and duties during a marriage and in the event of a divorce.  A postnuptial agreement is similar but is signed after marriage.

Prenuptial and postnuptial agreements must conform to strict guidelines in California and be signed voluntarily by both parties.

Divorce in Santa Rosa

California permits no-fault divorces. No-fault divorces do not place blame for a marriage’s failure with either spouse. Instead, the court grants a divorce due to an irrevocable breakdown of the marriage.

To divorce in California, at least one of the spouses has to be a resident of the state for at least six months before filing for divorce and of the county where they file for at least three months. Regardless of whether the divorce is agreed or contested, spouses must wait at least six months for the court to grant their divorce.

Stars Image Helpful and supportive

Debra and team were so helpful and supportive through the most difficult time in my life.  Grateful to the team for their advice – would highly recommend their services to anyone needing a divorce attorney.

J. J. San Francisco

Property Division in Santa Rosa

California is a community property state. This means that any assets or debts acquired during a marriage belong equally to both spouses. Assets and debts are to be shared equally upon a divorce.

Contact a Santa Rosa divorce attorney!

Spousal Support in Santa Rosa

California offers temporary, rehabilitative, permanent, and reimbursement spousal support. Each of these types of support plays a different role in the lives of the recipient based on their current and potential needs.

For a spouse to receive support, that spouse must need financial support, and the other spouse must have the ability to pay financial support. Unless both of these conditions are met, the court will not consider granting spousal support.

Child Custody and Visitation in Santa Rosa

There are two types of child custody in California: legal and physical child custody. When able, parents are encouraged to share both types of custody, but parents can share only legal or physical custody.

When parents cannot make their own child custody decisions, the court will make these decisions on their behalf in accordance with the best interests of the child.

Child Support in Santa Rosa

Parents are legally required to support their children. Generally, the child support obligation continues until a child turns eighteen or nineteen if the child is still in high school and living with a parent.

California has a set of guidelines that include a mathematical formula for computing monthly child support obligations.

Factors included in the calculation include, but are not limited to: parents’ monthly incomes, time spent with the children, and health insurance costs for the children.

Parentage in Santa Rosa

Parents who are unmarried and want to establish legal parentage of their children need to file a parentage action. A parentage action not only names a child’s legal parents but also provides an opportunity to request child support, custody, and visitation orders about a child.

A parentage order gives a child the right to inheritance and Social Security payments and other essential benefits.

Contact an Experienced Santa Rosa Family Law Attorney

To find out more about the above family law actions in Santa Rosa, or any others, contact the experienced attorneys at the Schoenberg Family Law Group, P.C. Regardless of the complexity of your family law matters, the Schoenberg Family Law Group, P.C. stands ready to assist you through offering unique solutions to your problems.

Let our firm’s seasoned, compassionate attorneys work diligently handling your family law case.  The Schoenberg Family Law Group, P.C. will strive to meet your family law goals while maintaining the highest ethical and professional standards.

Our Awards and Memberships

Schoenberg Family Law Group, P.C., recognizes that family law matters involve complex, sensitive issues that can have a lasting impact on you, your family, your finances and your future.

More About Honors & Awards
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10.0 Avvo Superb Top Attorney Family Law, Divorce
Los Angeles and San Francisco Daily Journal
American Jurist Institute Top 10 Attorneys 2017
2022 Client Satisfaction American Institute of Family Law Attorneys 10 Best
100 Fastest-Growing Private Companies In the Bay Area San Francisco Business Times
10 Best Female Attorneys 2017 American Institute of Family Law Attorneys
San Francisco Bay Area's Best and Brightest Companies to Work For Winner 2021
2018 Best Lawyers Best Law Firms U.S. News & World Report
California Board of Legal Specialization (CBLS) State Bar of California
2020 Client Champion Debra R. Schoenberg
San Francisco Business Times Corporate Philanthropy Awards 2019
Expertise Best Divorce Lawyers in Concord 2020
2018 Expertise Best Divorce Lawyers in San Francisco
Fast 100
Lead Counsel Rated
Litigation Counsel of America (LCA) Fellow
National Board of Trial Advocacy
2017 Parents' Press Best of The Bay
San Francisco Business Times
Rated By Super Lawyers Debra R. Schoenberg
The Business of Pride
2021 Best Businesses Three Best Rated
San Francisco Business Times Corporate Philanthropy Awards & Summit
American Jurist Institute Top 10 Attorneys of 2018
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