Sonoma County Child Support Attorney

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Experienced Child Support Lawyers Serving Sonoma County, CA

With very few exceptions, parents are required to support their children financially.  At the Schoenberg Family Law Group, P.C., our Sonoma County child support attorneys represent clients on all sides of the child support battle.  We know the stress and emotional turmoil child support cases can cause.

The Schoenberg Family Law Group, P.C. has a foundation rooted in:

  • Serving clients as individuals with distinct needs;
  • Honest, practical opinions and solutions; and
  • A knowledgeable and skilled representation that is amiable or aggressive as circumstances dictate.

Call the Sonoma County family law attorneys at the Schoenberg Family Law Group, P.C. today to discuss your child support issues.  Your appointment will be private and confidential.

How Can Our Sonoma County Child Support Attorneys Help You?

Regardless of your child support matter is part of a divorce, custody, or paternity case, or if it is a stand-alone matter, the Schoenberg Family Law Group, P.C. can help.  Let our professional child support attorneys do the following and more on your behalf:

  • Explain how California’s child support laws affect you and your family;
  • Advise you of your rights under the child support guideline;
  • Organize your child support payments;
  • Determine if you qualify for any modifications or deviations;
  • Calculate your potential payments;
  • Negotiate support on your behalf; and
  • Assist in enforcing any new child support orders.

You deserve a correct and lawful child support order that is fairly calculated.  Call or contact the Schoenberg Family Law Group, P.C. by phone or online to address your child support concerns with our legal team.

Sonoma County Child Support Quick Links

What Are California’s Child Support Guidelines?

California has a guideline for statewide use in determining child support.  The purpose of the guideline is twofold:

  1. To provide a minimum level of child support for a child; and
  2. To provide for uniformity in the calculation of child support.

sonoma county child support lawyerThe guideline includes a complex mathematical formula that strategically calculates parents’ incomes, how much time each parent spends with the child, and any tax deductions that are available to either parent to determine a proper child support amount.  The guideline is presumed to be correct in all cases.  Only under special circumstances should any child support order fall below the child support mandated by the guideline formula.

Deviations From the Child Support Guideline

If applying the guideline would be unfair or unreasonable, California law has a list of factors that a judge may use to justify a child support award that is higher or lower than the guideline amount.

These factors include the following:

  • The parent being ordered to pay child support has an extraordinarily high income;
  • A parent is not contributing to the needs of the children at a level commensurate with that parent’s custodial time;
  • Both parents have substantially equal time with the children, and one parent has a much lower or higher percentage of income used for housing than the other parent; and
  • The children have special medical or other needs that could require child support greater than the formula amount.

Add-Ons to Basic Child Support

There are potential add-ons to the basic guideline child support amount.  These can be mandatory or discretionary.

Mandatory add-ons.  These are required contributions.

  1. Child care costs related to employment or to reasonably necessary education or training for employment skills; and
  2. The reasonable uninsured health care costs for the children.

Discretionary add-ons.

  1. Costs related to the educational or other special needs of the children; and
  2. Custodial parent travel expenses for visitation.

Contact an Experienced Sonoma County Child Support Attorney

To discuss a current Sonoma County child support case or a potential child support modification, contact the experienced attorneys at the Schoenberg Family Law Group, P.C.  We can also answer any questions you have about child support as it relates to another family law matter such as divorce or child custody and visitation.

At the Schoenberg Family Law Group, P.C., we will ensure your child support calculation is computed correctly, and all factors are taken into account to your advantage.  Make your confidential appointment with a child support attorney. Contact us today!

Our Awards and Memberships

Schoenberg Family Law Group, P.C., recognizes that family law matters involve complex, sensitive issues that can have a lasting impact on you, your family, your finances and your future.

More About Honors & Awards
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10.0 Avvo Superb Top Attorney Family Law, Divorce
Los Angeles and San Francisco Daily Journal
American Jurist Institute Top 10 Attorneys 2017
2022 Client Satisfaction American Institute of Family Law Attorneys 10 Best
100 Fastest-Growing Private Companies In the Bay Area San Francisco Business Times
10 Best Female Attorneys 2017 American Institute of Family Law Attorneys
San Francisco Bay Area's Best and Brightest Companies to Work For Winner 2021
2018 Best Lawyers Best Law Firms U.S. News & World Report
California Board of Legal Specialization (CBLS) State Bar of California
2020 Client Champion Debra R. Schoenberg
San Francisco Business Times Corporate Philanthropy Awards 2019
Expertise Best Divorce Lawyers in Concord 2020
2018 Expertise Best Divorce Lawyers in San Francisco
Fast 100
Lead Counsel Rated
Litigation Counsel of America (LCA) Fellow
National Board of Trial Advocacy
2017 Parents' Press Best of The Bay
San Francisco Business Times
Rated By Super Lawyers Debra R. Schoenberg
The Business of Pride
2021 Best Businesses Three Best Rated
San Francisco Business Times Corporate Philanthropy Awards & Summit
American Jurist Institute Top 10 Attorneys of 2018
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